Etiqueta: Travel Lifestyle

  • Dubai: Oh Dear…or Camel

    Dubai: Oh Dear…or Camel

    Before starting, I’d like to say that this trip happened about eight years ago, so my words are the same age. I wrote them when I returned from Dubai. So please excuse the “wonder” in my voice as now I believe it to be “cute.” The writing was a bit dry, but hang in there…

  • Real Talk: The Ugly Truth

    For some of you, this may be a pretty triggering read, but it’s real, nonetheless. If you choose to read on, just know, this post has no rhyme or reason; it simply divulges an ugly truth or two that I felt the need to release. The Science of being Social I had a conversation with…

  • Paris: Tears, Towers, and Tours

    Paris: Tears, Towers, and Tours

    Ok, allow me to preface this with a quick explanation of how this read is about to go. So in 2016, I became a flight attendant and in 2017, I began to live my best life. Paris and Dubai were the destinations I chose to explore on my very first paid vacation (ever). So this…

  • Traveling Essentials: What to Bring with You

    Traveling Essentials: What to Bring with You

    I have traveled to over twenty countries (and counting) for pleasure; if you include my work trips, it’s been over thirty. I continuously find things I need to bring with me to various countries, as some may lack the luxuries I was used to. So, here are a few things that you’ll probably need while…

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